Wednesday, August 31, 2016

ATI Mobility Radeon Xpress 200 Series Drivers

Graphic Type : Integrated Motherboard Graphic
Product Family ; Radeon Xpress Series
Graphic : Radeon Xpress 200
Graphic driver Category :  Legacy Driver

Drivers Download Link :

Windows XP (32/64-bit) : 
Driver + Control Panel : Download
Driver Only : Download 

Windows Vista/7 (32/64)-bit :
Driver + Control Panel : Download
Driver Only : Download

Automatically Installed if you turn on Windows automatic Updates.

Latest Drivers from AMD :
GO to AMD download center and enter the information as given above. Select display result and you will get the latest driver available.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Pocket Smartphone Android Murah

Samsung mengumumkan ponsel cerdas Android berukuran mini. Bernama  Galaxy Pocket, ponsel cerdas yang mengusung Android kue jahe itu akan hadir dengan ukuran sekecil 2,8 inci.

Diwartakan The Mobile Indian, Rabu (7/3/2012), ukuran Galaxy Pocket yang minimalis membuatnya mudah diselipkan ke dalam kantung. Dengan layar mini seluas 2,8 inci, ponsel cerdas tersebut dibekali resolusi sebesar 230x320 pixel.

Samsung menyematkan dapur pacu berupa prosesor dengan otak tunggal yang bisa berlari pada kecepatan 832MHz, dan memastikan ponsel cerdas tersebut tidak kehabisan nafas saat digunakan untuk multitasking.

Untuk urusan penyimpanan,Samsung Galaxy Pocket dibekali kantung memori seluas 3GB, yang bisa diperluas sampai 32GB menggunakan kartu memori SD. Selain itu, Samsung juga menyematkan radio FM, konektivitas WiFi, serta HSDPA 3.6 yang cukup bisa diandalkan untuk mengunduh data.

Ponsel cerdas ini juga sudah dilengkapi fitur ChatOn dari Samsung, yaitu sebuah layanan komunikasi cross-platformyang menghubungkan semua pengguna ponsel ke dalam satu komunitas, memungkinkan pengiriman pesan cepat, obrolan grup, dan berbagi konten.

Galaxy Pocket dijadwalkan meluncur tahun ini, dan mula-mula akan hadir untuk pengguna di wilayah Inggris. Selanjutnya, diharapkan ponsel cerdas tersebut  akan menjangkau pasar lainnya dengan harga yang diharapkan tidak berbeda jauh dengan Galaxy Y.

Harga untuk smartphone Samsung Galaxy Pocket di prediksi dibawah Rp.1.500.000.
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It was like an ice on the wound II

And there we were at Changkha(Dagana) after a long journey from wangdue. Changkha village was about 15 miles rough road from Dagana high way. We were travelling at the back of DCM and with tiredness I felt asleep and when I opened my eyes at the junction called Potokha just below Changkha were our vehicle stopped for a while for the refreshment. I hardly could recognize myself and my other friends there because starting from our head to toe we were fully covered by the dust from the rough road. I tried quickly to wave them out but it hardly worked. I thought of washing but thinking that there was still way to reach our destiny I went as I was cleaning only my face.

tika session at the brides uncles home
grooms & brides with NC of Dagana
Finally we reached at the top of the valley called Changkha but I didn’t know why our vehicles stopped there for a while and was thinking, that would be our destiny but confused too because I couldn’t see any people around the brides house, how is that possible? While I was in deep thought, kongpi(the main leader) came down saying, “get down all we have to go there” but many didn’t listened to his command but I got down quickly to find out what was happening there actually. But didn’t get any hint and could see only the tika ceremony there in-front of the house(it was brides uncles home actually) but I latter I found that it’s called bato-chekwa(to restrict the way for a while, was like entry pass for us to the brides home). After that we continued our journey again while I was still wondering where might be the brides’ home actually and after a mile travel, again the cars stopped but I couldn’t see any houses around there. But then they started to take out the things from the cars and start steeping downwards where we had to walk for around 15 mins to reach the actual destiny which made me feel as if I was walking to my village.

birdes with their sis in-laws
gathering at the brides home

After a long wonder there we were, the brides’ home was at the bottom of the valley and I could see many people watching us up with curiosity and happiness on their face. At the main gate we were to take rest for a while, where there was again a tika ceremony form the brides’ parents while few gentle came to us with a pot full of jar(local alcohol) and cups and a big smiles on their faces as few of them happened to be our friends from wangdue too. I thought of denying them once as I don’t drink usually but the situation there didn’t allow me to deny their welcome jar, so I quickly seeped few cups before my sisters and brothers could noticed meJ, so that I can withstand the cold night there at the unknown place but latter I found out that they saw me drinking actually, so embarrassingL. After the tika ceremony we were asked to go the main kitchen directly as all the guests were waiting for our(janti’s) arrival form the morning itself without having even breakfast(it’s a custom).

We have had lunner with all the other guests there and came back to the small camp in-front of the house which were especially meant for janti(people from the grooms’ side-us). I could see people dancing in two different places, one group from the tape and other group from the local music system and some people walking from the middle without any proper coordination which made us feel really bore. Few steps behind there was a camp fire again and some guests were engaged there too. I also enjoyed the warmth frequently as we(with grooms and brides) had been waiting outside for a long time in the cold night and I didn’t know what was going inside the house actually which made grooms and brides(there were two grooms and two brides) to wait outside for so long till the late night(10 or 11 pm). We were quite frustrated with the brides’ parents. It was fine for us(janti) but they could have called the grooms and brides inside as soon as possible as they were the king and queen for the day. We didn’t know what really wrong was going inside though we reached at the given time.

        grooms & their sisters
the way back to own home

While I was in deep thought I didn’t know when they called them inside or not. People were dancing in-front of us with full mood and without any proper steps(same steps for all kinds of songs but they were in full joy) which made us feel bore and without any thing to do at that new place I was left with only one option that is to sleep. But that too was really tough for me as I could many people sleeping beside me but sharing only one blanket. I was at the side unfortunately and hardly got blanket to cover only half of my body. During the day I could feel the intense heat of sun and was thinking that night there would be warm comparing hare at our home in wangdue but I was wrong. The night there was so cold that one could hardly bare. Even at that tough situation I managed to sleep for few minutes and when I opened my eyes again, I could see my friend(DCM driver) sleeping behind me shivering without any blanket but after few mins one came with thin blanket and covered him, thanks to that guy whoever was he/she was.

Night turned into dawn gradually and I could see few people still dancing(so energetic). After the lunner the day before many of our friends disappeared and we all met again only in the morning. I could hear their different cold night experiences, some slept beneath the stone where there was sisnu(jotsha) and many inside the paral(rice’s dry shoots). The morning was fresh anyway where I could see many photo session in-front of the fishery pond where I could only see toads swimming. We had our breakfast then(where one of friends got two claws of chicken on his meal -very gunny) and start preparing to return back. While we were taking rest at the camp my brother brought there cartoons and cartoons of gifts which were given by the guests for the grooms and brides commanding us to carry each. We started our journey back at around 11 with goodbye tika ceremony at the main gate again. Back journey was quite sad than going as many of our members leaved us one by one as many of them were from Tsirang and at last we were left with only few of us who all could be accommodated inside the cars and no one was there to sit at the back of DCM. That was my experience and if any reader happened to read this story, I would like to say sorry deeply for making you read for long and me writing in details. I went in details as everything was new and adventures for me. Thank u for reading, again!


                                                                     D.K Thulung Rai

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Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasi Laptop Komputer Lemot Lambat

Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasi Laptop/Komputer Lemot/Lambat
Permasalahan komputer ataupun laptop yang lambat dalam bekerja memang seringkali merugikan bagi para penggunanya. Banyak pekerjaan yang tidak kunjung selesai dikarenakan kinerja komputer dan laptop yang sangat lemot. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan komputer anda berjalan lambat. Berikut adalah cara mengatasinya. Cek, tips mempercepat komputer dan laptop.
Berikut adalah beberapa penyebab kenapa komputer atau laptop menjadi lambat, silahkan anda baca satu persatu dan coba terapkan di komputer anda. Karena keenam faktor berikut adalah faktor yang umum ataupun sering terjadi.

1. File temp. yang terlalu besar.
Ketika kita mengakses Internet melalui komputer kita, maka komputer akan menyimpan beberapa data ke dalam folder temp (Baca juga: Cara membersihkan file temporary Internet). ketika folder ini sudah sangat besar, bisa jadi ini akan memperlambat kinerja komputer anda. Cara yang paling mudah adalah dengan membersihkan folder tersebut dengan menggunakan software Ccleaner.

Untuk mendownload ccleaner, buka link berikut =>
cara menjalankan, install ccleaner yang sudah anda download, buka aplikasi ccleaner, lalu klik analyze, tunggu sampai proses selesai. Setelah itu, untuk membersihkan file temp, klik tombol run cleaner.

Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasi Laptop/Komputer Lemot/Lambat

2. Terlalu banyak program yang terinstall
Terkadang kita kurang memperhatikan poin ini, kita sering menginstall software-software yang sekiranya tidak terlalu penting bagi pekerjaan kita. Akibatnya, komputer akan menjalankan banyak sekali program pada saat komputer pertama kali dihidupkan. Jelas ini sangat membebani komputer. Cara mengatasinya sangat mudah, anda bisa uninstall aplikasi yang tidak terlalu penting pada control panel atau mendisable aplikasi tersebut agar tidak berjalan ketika komputer dihidupkan, caranya buka software Ccleaner => pilih tab tool => startup => disable aplikasi yang tidak terlalu penting.

Kemudian, anda juga bisa menguninstall program-program tidak jelas yang ada pada komputer anda melalui control panel. Klik Windows, klik Control Panel, klik uninstall program, lalu pilih program yang tidak terpakai untuk di uninstall.

3. Spesifikasi komputer lebih rendah dari spesifikasi yang dibutuhkan oleh aplikasi
Jika komputer anda sudah bisa bekerja mulus tetapi pada saat bermain game komputer anda terasa sangat berat danlambat, itu berarti game yang anda jalankan membutuhkan spesifikasi yang lebih tinggi lagi. Usahakan untuk melihat system requirement game tersebut agar anda bisa membandingkannya dengan kemampuan komputer anda.

4. Spesifikasi komputer sudah terlalu jadu
 Ini adalah kasus yang paling umum. Spesifikasi komputer yang anda gunakan perlu diupgrade agar komputer bisa berjalan lancar. Usahakan komputer anda sudah menggunakan processor dual core dan ram minimal sebesar 2GB.

5. Kerusakan pada komponen komputer
Komputer anda bisa melambat kinerjanya jika terjadi kerusakan pada komponen komputer, contohnya pada hardisk. Hardisk adalah komponen yang paling peka. Contohnya adalah hardisk bad sector. Komputer anda akan berjalan sangat lambat sekali jika terjadi kerusakan seperti ini. Solusinya adalah mengganti dengan hardisk baru.

6. Karena virus
Biasakan untuk selalu mengupdate database antivirus anda untuk menghindar serangan virus yang bisa memperlambat kinerja komputer anda.

Anda membaca : Trik Mempercepat PC
Itulah sedikit cara untuk mengatasi laptop atau komputer yang berjalan lambat. Silahkan rawat komputer anda dengan baik, berishkan komponen, jangan install sembarang software, update antivirus secara berkala, upgrade komponen komputer dengan komponen yang lebih baik. Dengan begitu komputer anda akan bekerja secara maksimal dan tidak lemot lagi.
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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Archos 101 Neon Tablet Quad Core Jelly Bean 10 1 Inci

Archos 101 Neon
Hadir dengan ukuran layar yang lebih besar yaitu 10.1 inci, Archos 101 Neon ini menawarkan dukungan spesifikasi yang relatif sama seperti model 97 Neon.

Selain dukungan resolusi layarnya yang mengalami penurunan karena hanya dibesut sebesar 1024×600 piksel saja, tablet berbasis Android 4.2 Jelly Bean ini juga hanya mencantumkan dukungan processor Quad-Core A9 1.6GHz saja tanpa diketahui model dan jenisnya.

Meskipun begitu, untuk dukungan spesifikasi lainnya pada dasarnya tetap tak ada perubahan terkecuali untuk dukungan HDMI output-nya yang tidak dimiliki oleh kedua model Neon Series lainnya.

Berbeda dengan model 97 Neon yang tersedia dalam warna putih, tablet Archos 101 Neon ini justru tersedia dalam warna hitam.

Di pasaran Inggris sendiri, Archos 101 Neon ini dibanderol seharga 149 GBP atau sekitar 3 jutaan rupiah per unitnya.
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Lenovo Perkenalkan Ultrabook Paling Ringan Sedunia

Lenovo ThinkPad X1
Raksasa produsen notebook asal Cina, Lenovo siap memamerkan laptop unggulannya di ajang CES 2014 esok. Laptop tersebut adalah ultrabook 14 inci paling ringan sedunia, yakni ThinkPad X1 Carbon generasi ketiga.

Presiden Lenovo, Peter Hortensius mengatakan bahwa ThinkPad X1 Carbon tersebut ditujukan untuk para profesional yang menginginkan perangkat portable canggih dan modern. Laptop ini didesain dengan dimensi yang sangat tipis dan berbobot hanya 1.2 kilogram.

Dan meskipun berbobot ringan, Lenovo mengatakan kalau ThinkPad X1 Carbon generasi ketiga ini akan memiliki bodi yang kokoh. Ultrabook ini dibangun dengan menggunakan fiber karbon yang kokoh. Bahan tersebut pun lebih kuat dan lebih ringan dibandingkan magnesium ataupun alumunium.

Pada perangkat ini, Lenovo juga menggunakan teknologi ColorBurst Display. Teknologi ini pun memungkinkan laptop ini untuk menghadirkan gambar lebih tajam dan jernih. Selain itu, ThinkPad X1 Carbon ini juga memiliki teknologi Rapid Charge. Teknologi ini memberikan kemampuan pengisian baterai hingga 80 persen hanya dalam waktu 1 jam. Baterai laptop ini pun diklaim mampu bertahan hingga 9 jam.

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon ini menurut rencana akan tersedia pada akhir bulan Januari. Mengenai harganya, Lenovo akan mematok ultrabook ini mulai dari 1299 USD atau sekitar 15 juta rupiah.
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Daftar Harga Laptop Toshiba Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013

Daftar Harga Laptop/Notebook Thosiba Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013, Harga terbaru bulan ini dari Laptop Toshiba. menampilkan Daftar Harga Laptop Toshiba Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 dan harga lainya meliputi harga hp terbaru, harga ponsel terbaru, harga sony xperia bulan ini, harga samsung android bulan ini, harga nokia lumia bulan ini, harga tablet terbaru, harga laptop/Notebook, harga mobil, harga motor terbaru, harga knalpot motor, harga TV LED, harga promo terbaru dan masih banyak lagi yang akan update setiap bulan Januari, Febuari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, July, Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember. 

Akhirnya kami ucapkan Selamat datang di portal informasi harga terlengkap hanya Harga diperbaharui setiap bulan baik itu barang baru maupun bekas. akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat sobat semuanya termasuk dalam memberikan informasi mengenai harga terkini dan terlengkap yang bisa sobat dapatkan di blog ini.

Sobat bisa bookmart halaman berikut ini untuk lebih tau update harga terbaru dari gadget di bawah ini:
Harga HP Nokia Terbaru 2013 klik di sini
Harga HP Nokia Lumia Terbaru 2013 Klik di sini
Harga HP Samsung Terbaru 2013 Klik di sini
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Terbaru 2013 Klik di sini
Harga HP Sony Terbaru 2013 Klik di sini
Harga HP Sony Xperia Terbaru 2013 Klik di sini
Harga HP Cross Terbaru 2013 Klik di sini
Harga Hp Mito Terbaru 2013 Klik di sini
Harga Tablet Advan, Mito, Samsung, Acer dll harga terbaru 2013 klik di sini
Harga Laptop/Noteebook Acer, Samsung, Toshiba, Lenovo terbaru 2013 bisa klik di sini
Harga Motor Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki Terbaru 2013 Bisa klik di sini

Ok kita kembali ke topik dan dibawah ini adalah Daftar Harga Laptop Toshiba Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 dan mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi Patokan harga bagi para pecinta blog karena setiap waktu dan daerah memilik perbedaan harga.

Daftar Harga Laptop Toshiba Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013
Daftar Harga Laptop Toshiba Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 :
Toshiba NB510 DOS.
Intel Atom N2800 1.86Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel GMA, Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Non OS, Batt 6 Cell
Toshiba NB520 Win 7 Starter
Intel Atom N2800 1.86Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel GMA, Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Win 7 Starter, Batt 6 Cell
Toshiba Portege R830-2047U
Core i7 2640M 2.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege R830-2050UB
Core i7 2640M 2.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege R830-2052UR
Core i7 2640M 2.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege R830-2067U
Core i5 2520M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege R830-2082U
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege R830-2083UB
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege R830-2084UR
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege R930-2000
Core i7 3520M 2.9Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege R930-2013
Intel Core i5-3210M, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel® HD Graphics 4000, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64 bit
Toshiba Portege R930-2028
Intel Core i5-3210M, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel® HD Graphics 4000, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 8 SL 64 bit
Toshiba Portege R930-2033
Intel Core i7-3520M, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel HD Graphics, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 8 64 bit
Toshiba Portege Z830-1006U
Core i5 2467M 1.6Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Portege Z830-1007U
Core i7 2677M 1.8Ghz, 6GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Portege Z830-2003U
Core i7 2677M 1.8Ghz, 6GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege Z930-2000U
Core i7 3610QM 2.9Ghz, 6GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Portege Z930-2003U
Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 2GB Onboard + 4GB DDR3 RAM, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Portege Z930-2022
Intel Core i5-3317U, 6GB DDR3, 128GB (SATA) SSD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel® HD Graphics 4000, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 8 64 bit
Toshiba Portege Z930-2029
Intel Core i7-3667U, 6GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel HD Graphics, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 8 64 bit
Toshiba Qosmio F750-1011X
Core i7 2670QM 2.2Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, 15.6” WXGA HD CSV, Nvidia Geforce GT 540M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Qosmio F750-1014X
Core i7 2670QM 2.2Ghz, 8GB DDR3, 640GB, Blu-Ray, 15.6” WXGA HD CSV, Nvidia Geforce GT 540M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Qosmio X770-1002X
Core i7 2630QM 2.0Ghz, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, Blu-Ray, 17.3” WXGA HD CSV, Nvidia Geforce GTX 560M 1.5GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Qosmio X770-1005X
Core i7 2670QM 2.2Ghz, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, Blu-Ray, 17.3” WXGA HD CSV, Nvidia Geforce GTX 560M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Qosmio X870-1001X
Core i7 3610QM 2.3Ghz, 16GB DDR3, 750GB SSD, Blu-Ray, 17.3” WXGA HD CSV, Nvidia Geforce GTX 670M, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite C640D-1075U
AMD E450 1.65Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Ati Radeon HD 6320, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite C800-1003U
AMD E1-1200 1.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, AMD Radeon HD7000, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite C800-1012U
Intel B830 1.8Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite C800-1024
Intel B1000 1.8Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS
Toshiba Satellite C800D-1003
AMD E1-1200 1.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, AMD Radeon HD7000, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS
Toshiba Satellite C800D-1006
AMD E1-1200 1.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, AMD Radeon HD7000, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 8
Toshiba Satellite C840-1002
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite C840-1019
Core i3 2328M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite C840-1028U
Pentium B980 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite L735-1007XB
Core i3 2310M 2.13Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce 315M 1GB, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite L735-1010X
Core i3 2310M 2.13Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce 315M 1GB, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite L735-1011XR
Core i3 2310M 2.13Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce 315M 1GB, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite L735-1128U
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite L735-1131U
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Toshiba Satellite L735-1131U
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Toshiba Satellite L740-1220U
Core i3 380M 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 14.1” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite L740-2224U
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14.1” WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Toshiba Satellite L745-1105U
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite L745-1106UB
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite L745-1107UR
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite L745-1108U
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Toshiba Satellite L745-1109UB
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Toshiba Satellite L745-1110UR
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Toshiba Satellite L745-1216U
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite L840-1003
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite L840-1015
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite M840-1002X
Core i7 3612QM, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 2GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite M840-1012
Intel Core i3-2350M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel HD 1696MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Basic 32 bit/64 bit
Toshiba Satellite M840-1013
lntel Core i3-2370M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel® HD Graphics 1GB (Shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Basic 32 bit/64 bit
Toshiba Satellite M840-1013X
Core i3 2370M 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Toshiba Satellite M840-1015X
Core i5 3210M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Toshiba Satellite M840-1025X
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Toshiba Satellite M840-1033X
Core i7 3632QM, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, Win 8
Toshiba Satellite P745-1017U
Intel Core i5-2430M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel® HD Graphics, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS
Toshiba Satellite P840-1003X
Intel Core i5-3317U, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVD±RW, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 630M, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 8 64 bit
Toshiba Satellite P840T Touchscreen
Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630M 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA Touch Screen, Win 8
Toshiba Satellite P850-1001X
Core i7 3610QM 2.3Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630 2GB, Camera, 15.6inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite P850-1009X
Core i7 3630QM 2.4Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630 2GB, Camera, 15.6inch WXGA, Win 8
Toshiba Satellite U840-1001U
Core i5 2467M 1.6Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 16GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite U840W-1000
Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 6GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 32GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14" WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite U940-1000X
Intel Core i5-3317U, 4GB DDR3, 32GB SSD + 640GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce GT630M, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 8 64 bit
Toshiba Staellite C840-1033
Core i3 2348M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS
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Harga Laptop Asus Terbaru Juli 2013

ASUS Eee PC 1025CE-PIK016W - Pink

Intel Atom N2800, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA 3650, Camera, 10.1" WSVGA


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Friday, August 26, 2016

Ramalan Zodiak Bintang Libra Juli 2013

Ramalan Zodiak Bintang Libra Juli 2013 Horoskop Hari ini. Sebelumnya admin blog daftar terbaru 2013 sudah memberikan informasi mengenai ramalan bintang zodiak juli 2013 yang berisi semua bintang yang diperuntukkan khusus untuk bulan juli 2013, namun pada kesempatan kali ini admin memberikan referensi lain yakni khusus untuk ramalan bintang Libra juli 2013.

Seperti apakah ramalan bintang atau
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Download Super Hide IP 3 1 4 8 Full version with crack

Download Super Hide IP Full version with crack

Super Hide IP Full version with crack

Apakah Anda tahu apa alamat IP Anda berarti? Apakah Anda sadar bahwa alamat IP Anda terdetect setiap kali Anda mengunjungi sebuah website? Banyak situs dan hacker menggunakan alamat IP untuk memantau alamat rumah Anda dan informasi pribadi lainnya. Alamat IP Anda adalah identitas online Anda dan dapat digunakan oleh hacker untuk masuk ke komputer Anda, mencuri informasi pribadi, atau melakukan kejahatan lainnya terhadap Anda.
     Super Hide IP memungkinkan Anda untuk berselancar secara anonim, menyimpan alamat IP yang tersembunyi, melindungi informasi pribadi Anda terhadap hacker dan menyediakan enkripsi penuh aktivitas online Anda.
Fitur dari software Super Hide IP pun hampir sama dengan Auto Hide IP pada postingan saya yang sebelumnya, jika berminat dengan Auto Hide IP anda bisa baca disini

Super Hide IP Full version with crack

Berikut ini adalah beberapa Fitur dari "Super Hide IP":

*Anonymous Web Surfing
Klik tombol "Hide IP" dan Anda akan diberi alamat IP palsu, mencegah orang lain mendapatkan IP sejati Anda ketika berselancar di Internet.

*Protect Your Identity
Berselancar secara anonim untuk mencegah hacker atau pencuri identitas dari pemantauan aktivitas Web Anda atau menyadap informasi pribadi Anda seperti informasi keuangan Anda.

*Choose IP Country
Anda dapat memilih untuk menggunakan IP palsu dari berbagai negara melalui opsi "Choose IP Country" dan anda dapat Periksa IP yang telah di ganti secara langsung.

*Send Anonymous E-mails
Menyembunyikan IP Anda dalam E-mail.Ip anda dilindungi saat mengirim e-mail melalui Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail.

*Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites
Gunakan "Super Hide IP" untuk mengubah IP Anda yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengakses setiap forum atau website yang pernah melarang Anda masuk.

Super Hide IP Full version with crack

Download Super Hide IP Full version with crack [ MediaFire ]
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Acer Aspire One AO722 0473 11 6 Inch HD Netbook

The Aspire One AO722, 11.6" Netbook, is the perfect combination of usability and portability in a thin and light design, while boasting a full-size keyboard and excellent connectivity for the best of both worlds. Throw in one-of-a-kind style, and weve got you covered! Get more done while mobile with AMD Dual-Core processing performance, ATI Radeon™ HD Graphics, up to 7 hours of battery life and fun media features. Youll have everything you need in a travel light design to stay connected on the go, enjoy more of your media and tackle your everyday demands with ease.














Acer Aspire One AO722-0473 11.6-Inch HD Netbook

Key Features

  • 11.6" HD Widescreen CineCrystal™ LED-backlit Display: (1366 x 768) resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio
  • AMD Dual-Core C-60 Accelerated Processor 1.0GHzwith TurboCORE Technology up to 1.33GHz (1MB L2 Cache)
  • Windows® 7 Home Premium
  • 320GB Hard Drive
  • 2GB DDR3 Memory
  • ATI Radeon™ HD 6290 graphics with 256MB of dedicated video memory
  • Multi-in-1 Digital Media Card Reader
  • 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™
  • Built-in 0.3 Megapixel Webcam
  • Two Built-in Speakers
  • Full-Size Acer FineTip Keyboard
  • Multi-Gesture Touchpad
  • 3- USB 2.0 Ports
  • 1- HDMI™ port with HDCP support
  • Up to 7-hours battery-life6-cell Li-ion Battery
  • 3.21 lbs.(system unit only)
  • Color: Espresso Black**Comes with Black Cover and Espresso Palmrest

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Tips Memilih Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Untuk Website dan Blog

Tips Memilih Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Untuk Website dan Blog
Tips Memilih Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Untuk Website dan Blog - Menurut Saya terkadang memilih sebuah layanan Web Hosting mungkin sedikit membingungkan, karena banyaknya layanan hosting yang tersedia, seperti IndeHost Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Indonesia. Kalau kita beruntung, maka kita akan mendapatkan kepuasan saat pertama kali memilih sebuah layanan Web Hosting tersebut. Namun bagaimana kalau sebaliknya? Keberuntungan tidak akan datang tanpa kita mengusahakannya. Maka dari itu, dari dulu sampai sekarang saya lebih suka blog gratisan seperti ini, ketimbang domain sendiri heheheheee..

Untuk Tips Memilih Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Untuk Website dan Blog  mungkin para blogger Master sudah pada tahu caranya akan tetapi bagi blogger pemula seperti saya akan sangat membutuhkan tips seperti ini. Dan kali ini saya akan share sedikit tentang Tips Memilih Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Untuk Website dan Blog sebagaimana yang saya temukan di pencarian

Sebagai langkah awal, kita membutuhkan hosting yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan website dan blog kita, hosting adalah sarana penting untuk menjaga stabilitas dan keandalan plus kwalitas website dan blog kita. Berikut ini sedikit tips memilih Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Indonesia untuk anda:

1. Kualitas Web Hosting
Kualitas sebuah Web Hosting menurut saya adalah hal penting yang harus kita perhatikan. Jangan mudah teriming-imingi oleh harga yang sangat murah. Perlu di cek TKP dulu kualitas Web Hosting tersebut. Misalnya kekuatan komputer server yang digunakan, keamanan, kecepatan akses dll.

2. Fasilitas Fitur dan Layanan yang ditawarkan
Ini juga merupakan hal penting dalam memilih sebuah Web Hosting. Periksalah fasilitas yang ada, apakah sudah memenuhi apa yang kita butuhkan dan mampu menampung perkembangan website atau blog anda. Salah satu fasilitas penting ialah management web hosting, yaitu mencakup pengaturan Domain (alamat Web kita) . selain itu, apakah Web Hosting yang kita pilih itu mendukung untuk migrasi data atau pindah Hosting.

3. Harga
Harga murah pun tidak masalah asalkan kualitas, fasilitas dan fitur diatas semuanya terpenuhi. Sebenarnya harga sebuah Web Hosting itu tergantung jumlah space yang ingin kita sewa. Namun kita pun harus jeli dan berpikir rasional terhadap harga yang ditawarkan oleh layanan Web Hosting tersebut. Termasuk akses unlimited yang ditawarkan dengan harganya. Jangan salah, sekarang banyak sekali penyedia web hosting awalnya menawarkan fitur dengan kapasitas serba mewah dengan harga yang murah namun akhirnya memaksa kita membayar lebih mahal setelah anda membutuhkan upgrade.

4. Customer Support dan Lokasi Perusahaan
Internet ini rawan dengan penipuan. Oleh karena itu anda perlu menelusuri terlebih dahulu Customer Support dan lokasi perusahaan sebuah layanan Web Hosting. Yang saya maksud bukan artinya kita harus mengunjungi kantornya, tapi kita cukup menghubungi Customer Support nya. Kalau kita dilayani dengan baik dan pertanyaan kita dijawab dengan memuaskan, maka sudah pasti layanan Web Hosting yang kita pilih itu benar-benar profesional.

5. Resiko
Setiap keputusan yang kita ambil semua mengandung resiko, apapun itu. Pertimbangkan hingga matang resiko yang mungkin dihadapi dalam memilih sebuah Layanan web hosting, baik resiko terbaik maupun resiko terburuk. Beberapa layanan web hosting mungkin menyediakan fasilitas free trial (mencoba terlebih dahulu selama beberapa hari) tetapi mungkin saja setelah beberapa bulan anda menemukan masalah dan ingin berpindah hosting tapi menghadapi masalah lain seperti tidak adanya jaminan uang kembali dan susahnya proses transfer keluar dari penyedia hosting tersebut, dll.

Semoga sedikit Tips Memilih Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Untuk Website dan Blog ini dapat bermanfaat untuk anda.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Toshiba USB Touch Panel Drivers and Calibration

This post mainly to cover issue in SS1700MY Touch Panel Issue, before further details installation make sure you already run the basic calibration first.

Use the following steps to calibrate your touch screen :

1. Click Start and then Control Panel, and next Hardware and Sound.
2. Under Tablet PC Settings, tap Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input.
3. On the Display tab, under Display options, tap Calibrate and then Yes to allow the program to make changes.
 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate your touch screen.

Drivers for XP Vista and 7
The problem With Dynabook SS1700MY the touch panel is not working properly especially for windows 7. After a few research I found out that it uses SMK Touch Panel device. So I look all over the web to find the touch panel driver. .I didnt found drivers for SS1700MY but found for SS200, from the Hardware ID both model use the similar device which is " ttabusb, HIDVID_0609&PID_0303". I found this on the Chinese/Japan website (not sure about the language). Just download and install the drivers form the link below:
There are 2 version, the first support windows xp and 7 and the second support win2000/xp/vista and 7.

Drivers From Microsoft:
The driver I found only available Via Microsoft update catalog and Only for Windows XP. There are no Windows Vista or Windows 7 Drivers.

Here is the link for the Windows XP Driver:

Please open the link using INTERNET EXPLORER.

You will see 3-4 drivers on the list, select only drivers tahat compatible with windows XP. To download click add and View basket. After that select download. After download finish, you will have the drivers in CAB (cabinet file format), you can extract the drivers using Winrar software.

You will find ttabctrl.exe in the extracted driver folder. Now one of the method you can use windows XP driver for windows 7 is by installing it in compatibility mode read here).
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HCL Me Laptop 40 Windows Vista Driver

Model: HCL Me Laptop
Series: 40 Series
Compatibility: Windows Vista 32-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Chipset
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - VGA
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Audio
Windows Vista Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - MODEM
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - LAN
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Card Reader
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Camera
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Touch Pad
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Hot Key Driver
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Hot Key Utility
Windows Vista Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Wireless LAN (Atheros)
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Bluetooth
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Video View
Windows Vista  Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - Wireless LAN (Intel)
Windows Vista 32 Bit Download
Windows Vista 64 Bit Download

HCL Me Laptop 40 Driver - BIOS Windows Vista Download
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Monday, August 22, 2016

HP 2000 Windows 7 Drivers

Model: HP 2000
Series: HP Home Notebook PC
Compatibility: Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit (?)

HP 2000 released with windows 7 and mostly with windows 8. On the HP homepage you will notice only driver for windows 7 64-bit and windows 8 64-bit available. It is not difficult to get both 32-bit and 64-bit driver for this model since all drivers for 32-bit and 64-bit is listed on the Compaq Presario CQ58 download page. Both model use similar devices and drivers. This is a general drivers for all HP 2000 series, the specific model may varies ; example : 
HP 2000-2a01XX Notebook PC
HP 2000-2a09CA Notebook PC
HP 2000-2a10NR Notebook PC
HP 2000-2a12HE Notebook PC
HP 2000-2a20CA Notebook PC
HP 2000-2d10SX Notebook PC

Install all drivers except for wireless, graphic and bluetooth you must choose base on your specification. If you do not know which driver to choose, try which work for you. Installing wrong driver will not harm your system. If you have any problems do let me know by leaving your comments below.

Realtek High-Definition (HD) Audio Driver
Version:, 145.05M

Intel Chipset Installation Utility and Driver
Version:, 2.51M

Intel Management Engine Interface (MEI) Driver 
Version:, 24.68M

Graphic - Intel
Intel High-Definition (HD) Graphics Driver 
Version:, 153.43M 
Download 32-bit
Download 64-bit

Graphic - AMD
AMD High-Definition Graphics Driver
Version:8.950.11.0, 207.77M

Synaptics TouchPad Driver 
version:, 108.38M  

Realtek Local Area Network (LAN) Driver
Version:7.50.1123.2011, 5.8M

Card Reader
Realtek Card Reader Driver
2012-04-27 , Version:6.1.7601.29011, 11.01M

Cyberlink YouCam Software
2012-12-10 , Version:, 158.04M

HP Quick Launch Software
2012-04-23 , Version:2.70, 3.84M

Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver 
Version:, 8.53M

Wireless Drivers for HP 2000 Windows 7

Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver for Microsoft Windows 7
Version:, 35.3M

Ralink 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adapter
Version:, 22.39M

Atheros Wireless LAN Driver
Version:, 82.96M

Bluetooth Drivers for HP 2000 Windows 7

Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 Driver and Software
2012-04-02 , Version:6.5, 234.14M

Atheros Bluetooth 4.0+HS Driver
2012-01-18 , Version:, 279.32M
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Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3 50 Build 1259

Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259

Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259 - Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259. Tak perlu saya jelaskan kembali tentang software ini, karena pasti kalian sudah tahu software ini. Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259, berikut Software terbarunya dan jangan lupa Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259 untuk koleksi anda.

Support for a large number of music formats :
  • MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC / MP+, AAC, AC3, Ogg, FLAC,APE, WavPack, Speex, WAV, CDA, WMA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX
  • Support for functionality enhancement modules :
  • You can add new features and expand existing, connect such plugins as Input, Gen, DSP from Winamp
  • 18-band EQ and built-in sound effects :
  • Reverb, Flanger, Chorus, Pitch, Tempo, Echo, Speed
  • Audio processing to achieve the best quality. Exc.
  • Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259

Untuk menDownload Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259 ini, klik link download dibawah:

Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259

Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259

Download Terbaru Beta AIMP v3.50 Build 1259

Untuk Skinnya klik Download Skin Beta AIMP3 Terbaru

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Dell Service Tag and Express Service Code

Dell Service Tag : refer to 7 character identifier that is unique to your product.

Express Service Code :10-digit numeric Version of the service tag which can be typed into a telephone for a call routing. Sometime your products will show E Service which refer to Express Service Code.

Both ID (identification code) normally located at a sticker on the back or bottom of your products.

Every Dell products will have this information, except some peripherals and accessories.

We use both Dell service tag and Express Service code mostly to identify and obtain support online. For example your service tag is FJR6K1. Now just go to the Dell Online support website : and enter the service code in the service code field.

You can choose to enter either  service tag or express service code

Press submit and it will identify and show support that available for your products. Here is the result from service Tag weve entered earlier.
Support page

It will display the support that available online, including the basic information about your device, diagnostic, support topics and articles, drivers and downloads and parts and accessories.
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Harga Blackberry R10 Bulan Juni 2013

Harga Blackberry R10 Bulan Juni 2013, Harga terbaru bulan ini dari Blackberry R10. D-harga menampilkan Harga Blackberry R10 Bulan Juni 2013 dan harga lainya meliputi harga hp terbaru, harga ponsel terbaru, harga sony xperia bulan ini, harga samsung android bulan ini, harga nokia lumia bulan ini, harga tablet terbaru, harga laptop/Notebook, harga mobil, harga motor terbaru, harga knalpot motor, harga TV LED, harga promo terbaru dan masih banyak lagi yang akan update setiap bulan Januari, Febuari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, July, Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember.

Akhirnya kami ucapkan Selamat datang di portal informasi harga terlengkap hanya D-harga blog. Harga diperbaharui setiap bulan baik itu barang baru maupun bekas. D-harga akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat sobat semuanya termasuk dalam memberikan informasi mengenai harga terkini dan terlengkap yang bisa sobat dapatkan di blog ini.

Ok kita kembali ke topik dan dibawah ini adalah Harga Blackberry R10 Bulan Juni 2013 dan mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi Patokan harga bagi para pecinta blog D-harga karena setiap waktu dan daerah memilik perbedaan harga.

Harga Blackberry R10 Bulan Juni 2013
Harga Blackberry R10 Bulan Juni 2013 :
Harga Blackberry R10 : Rp 5jt - Rp 6jt

Spesifikasi Blackberry R10
Layar 3,1 inciA  resolusi 720 x 720 pixel
Kamera belakang 5MP, kamera depan mmpu mengambil gambar dengan resolusi 2560 x 1920 piksel
Memori internal 8GB
Baterai 1800 mAh non removable
OS BlackBerry 10.1
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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Download IDM 6 07 build 7 Full Patch Keygen

Lagi lagi dan lagi IDM update versi kembali,,Yaitu IDM 6.07 build 7
Berikut penambahan dari versi sebelumnya :

(Released: Aug 01, 2011)
  •  Enhanced "Speed Limiter". Added the feature to set an individual limit for every download
  • Redesigned "Download progress" dialog, added new tabs and the possibility to disable tabs that are not necessary for you
  • Fixed bugs

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HCL ME Laptop 1015 Windows 8 8 1 Drivers

Windows 8 Upgrade Note:
1. Most of the drivers installed in windows 8, in case there are driver missing you can download the drivers below.
2. Run Microsoft updates to check the latest drivers available.
3. Drivers that available on Microsoft update includes graphic, audio, LAN, USB 3.0 and card reader.

Intel Chipset Installation Utility
Version, 5.4MB Windows 8 64-bit

Intel HD 3000 (2nd Generation i3) Graphic
Version :  Windows 7/ Windows 8/8.1 32-bit
Version :  Windows 7/Windows 8/8.1 64-bit

Intel Serial ATA AHCI Drivers
Version, 0.3MB Windows 8 32-bit
Version, 8.7MB   Windows 8 64-bit

Conexant High Definition Smart Audio Driver
Version Windows XP/7/8/8.1
(If installation failed, install in compatibility mode for windows 7.)

Atheros AR813x/815x PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30) Driver 
Version 94KB Windows 8/8.1 32-bit
version 100KB Windows 8/8.1 64-bit

LAN Installation: 
(extract the driver using winrar or 7z software first.)
1. Open device manager by press Windows + R Button
2. Look for Network adapter marked with yellow.
3. Right click and select update driver.
4. Select browse computer for driver software.
5. Click browse and point to the driver folder we extract earlier. 

Other Driver:
For other driver just use original windows 7 drivers for your model. Install all the drivers in compatibility mode (tutorial with picture here ) for windows 7. First extract the driver file, right click on setup - properties - compatibility -run this program in compatibility mode for, select windows 7.
Touchpad: Download
USB 3.0 :  Download (renesas USB 3.0)
Webcam :  Download
Card Reader: Download

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

DTaksManager Portable Taks Manager


     Sobat blogger disenggang waktu saya ini, saya sempatkan posting blog ini mungkin software ini akan sangat berguna buat sobat-sobat sekalian. DTaskManager adalah Task Manager portabel dibuat khusus untuk menyediakan fitur-fitur canggih yang TaskManager yang kapal dengan Windows tidak menyediakan. Beberapa fungsi contoh mencakup kemampuan untuk menunda dan mengaktifkan kembali proses yang lebih seperti Linux tidak, pilih beberapa proses untuk mengakhiri pada satu waktu, tidak perlu untuk jendela konfirmasi. Aplikasi ini hanya membutuhkan ruang disk 180KB bebas untuk instalasi portabel.

Download DTaksManager Portable
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Thursday, August 18, 2016

HP G56 Drivers Windows XP 7 8 8 1

Model: HP G56
Family: HP G Notebook PC
Manufacture: Hewlett Packard
Compatibility: Windows XP,  Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Intel Chipset Installation Utility
Version A, 2.29MB Windows XP
Version: A, 2.3MB  Windows 7
Version, 5.55MB Windows 8/8.1 64-bit

Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver @Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver
Version A, 21.65MB Windows XP
Version: A, 9.69M  Windows 7
Version Windows 8/8.1

Realtek High-Definition (HD) Audio Driver
Version A 85.5MB Windows XP 
Version:, 100.67M Windows 7
Latest Driver Version (current R2.73) Windows8/8.1 

Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family Graphics Driver
Version A, 20.4MB Windows XP (32 and 64-bit)
Version: A, 39.34M  Windows 7 (32-bit)
Version: A, 41.18M  Windows 7 (64-bit)
In Box Driver (auto) : Installation and Driver Windows 8

Intel High-Definition (HD) Graphics Driver
(Windows XP doesnt have to use this driver )
Version: A, 40.04M (32-bit)  Windows 7 (32-bit)
Version: A, 41.90M (64-bit)  Windows 7 (64-bit)
Windows 8 In Box Driver (auto) or AMD Driver will install the driver :
If not, Installation and Driver Windows 8

AMD High-Definition Graphics Driver
For ATI Radeon series (Legacy Drivers)
Version 8.752.0.0 A, 116.89MB Windows XP
Version:8.770.2.2000, 133.96MB  Windows 7
Latest AMD 13.1 Catalyst Version Windows 8 32-bit   Windows 8 64-bit

LAN - Ethernet
Realtek PCI-E NIC LAN Driver
Version 5.760.503.2010, 5.59MB Windows XP
Version 7.18.322.2010 A, 5.65MB Windows 7 
 Version n/A (latest) Windows 8/8.1

Synaptics TouchPad Driver
Version A, 38.9MB Windows XP
Version:, 42.09M  Windows 7
Version, 125.7M Windows 8/8.1
Latest Driver Version Windows Vista/7/8/8.1

Quick Launch
HP Quick Launch Button
Version 6.1.7600.30105 A, 7.46M Windows XP 
Version 2.30, 3.8MB Windows 7
Version 1.30, 11.39M Windows 8/8.1
Latest Driver Version Windows XP/7/8/8.1 

Card Reader
Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader
Version 6.1.7600.30105 A, 7.46M Windows XP
Version 6.1.7600.30120 A, 8.53MB  Windows 7
Version 1.30, 11.39M Windows 8/8.1
Latest Driver Version Windows XP/7/8/8.1 


2 available drivers, choose 1 base on your specification.

Broadcom 2070 Bluetooth Software and Driver
Version:7, 58.51M Windows XP/7

Ralink/Motorola Bluetooth Adapter Driver
Version:, 68.25M  Windows XP/7

Windows 8 Bluetooth :
install windows 7 driver in compatibility mode (stable than latest version), or use the latest version
Broadcom 2070: version Download
Ralink/Motorola Bluetooth Application Version Download


There are 5 available Wireless Drivers, choose one (1) only base on your specification.

Atheros 2011 Wireless LAN Driver
Version:9.20, 81.94M Windows XP/Vista/7
Version 1.00 (atheros ar9xxx series) Windows 8 
Version Rev. A (AR9000 series) Windows 8

Ralink 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adapter
Version:, 10.28M Windows XP/Vista/7
Version Windows 8 (also supported xp/vista/7)

Intel PRO/Wireless Drivers for Microsoft Windows
Version 14.0 14.64M Windows XP
Version:13.4, 15.0M  Windows 7
Version Windows 8

Realtek RTL8191SE 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Driver
Version:2011.0.204.2010, 20.55M  Windows XP/7
Windows 8 : Run automatic Update or if you wish to install it manually read here.

Ralink RT3090 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adapter Driver
Version1.00, 6.73M Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1

Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver for Microsoft Windows
Version 5.60.350.6 , 10.28MB Windows XP
Version:5.60.350.6, 20.68M  Windows 7
Version, 24.5M Windows 8

Tools and Utilities

Optional Installation, without this tools and utilities you notebook device still function properly.

HP Power Manager Utility Software
Version 1.00 A, 1.49MB Download

Advanced Format Hard Disk Information Tool 
Version:1.0, 22.17M Download

HP Support Assistant 
Version:, 35.33M Download

HP Power Manager Utility Software 
Version:1.00 A, 1.49M Download 

HP Software Framework 
Version:, 3.89M Download

LightScribe System Software 
Version:, 11.74M Download  

HP Advisor Software 
Version:3.4.12850.3526, 67.95M Download  

HP Wireless Assistant
Version Download

This driver apply for all HP G56 Series, example:

HP G56-100XX Notebook PC
HP G56-118CA Notebook PC
HP G56-122US Notebook PC
HP G56-123NR Notebook PC
HP G56-125NR Notebook PC
HP G56-126NR Notebook PC
HP G56-127NR Notebook PC
HP G56-128CA Notebook PC
HP G56-129WM Notebook PC
HP G56-141US Notebook PC
HP G56-151XX Notebook PC
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Harga Tablet Mito T520 Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013

Harga Tablet Mito T520 Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013, Harga terbaru bulan ini dari Tablet Mito T520 Terbaru Juli 2013. menampilkan Harga Tablet Mito T520 Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 dan harga lainya meliputi harga hp terbaru, harga ponsel terbaru, harga sony xperia bulan ini, harga samsung android bulan ini, harga nokia lumia bulan ini, harga tablet terbaru, harga laptop/Notebook, harga mobil, harga motor terbaru, harga knalpot motor, harga TV LED, harga promo terbaru dan masih banyak lagi yang akan update setiap bulan Januari, Febuari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, July, Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember.

Akhirnya kami ucapkan Selamat datang di portal informasi harga terlengkap hanya Harga diperbaharui setiap bulan baik itu barang baru maupun bekas. akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat sobat semuanya termasuk dalam memberikan informasi mengenai harga terkini dan terlengkap yang bisa sobat dapatkan di blog ini.

Sobat juga bisa Bookmart Halamat berikut ini untuk mengetahui update harga tiap bulannya:
Harga HP Nokia Terbaru 2013 klik di sini
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Harga Hp Mito Terbaru 2013 Klik di sini
Harga Tablet Advan, Mito, Samsung, Acer dll harga terbaru 2013 klik di sini
Harga Laptop/Noteebook Acer, Samsung, Toshiba, Lenovo terbaru 2013 bisa klik di sini
Harga Motor Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki Terbaru 2013 Bisa klik di sini

Ok kita kembali ke topik dan dibawah ini adalah Harga Tablet Mito T520 Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 dan mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi Patokan harga bagi para pecinta blog karena setiap waktu dan daerah memilik perbedaan harga.

Tablet Mito T520
Harga Tablet Mito T520 Terbaru Bulan Juli 2013 di patok 1 Jutaan saja.
Spesifikasi Mito T520:
Jaringan: Dualband GSM (900/1800 MHz) & Dual SIM; Layar: 7 inci, TFT Capacitive touchscreen WVGA; OS: Android 4.1 Jelly Bean; Prosesor: Dual-core 1GHz; Kamera: Dual camera, video recorder; Memori eksternal: microSD; Konektivitas: WiFi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth, kabel data USB, audio jack 3.5mm; Browser: HTML; Fitur lain: TV Analog, Audio/video player, radio FM, Google Play Store, Gmail, Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo Messenger, navigation, Places, Email, Calendar, calculator, alarm, clock; Baterai: Lithium ion; Bonus: Keyboard eksternal, kartu perdana Simpati
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Monday, August 15, 2016

HP Pavilion DM1 4050US 11 6 Inch Laptop

Price: $617.09
amazon button

Product Description

Stay more comfortable with HP CoolSense technology on the HP Pavilion dm1-4050us Entertainment PC. This ultra compact notebook lets you control the cooling so heat is directed away from your lap. Also, hear what you’ve been missing with Beats Audio. Boost productivity with a powerful 2nd generation Intel Core i3 processor and a large hard drive. This HP laptop also comes with an external DVD burner. Enjoy your favorite DVDs and burn important files to discs. Integrated Bluetooth helps you sync your notebook to other digital devices, like your smartphone or desktop PC, without using cables. Plus, print, e-mail and browse the web wirelessly using built in Wi-Fi. Edit documents and watch videos on the 11.6 inch diagonal high definition LED backlit display. The HP Pavilion dm1-4050us Entertainment PC weighs just 3.53 lbs and is about 1 inch slim, which makes it easy to carry. The HP Imprint finish in charcoal gives this HP laptop plenty of style, too. Video chat in low ! light environments using the integrated HP TrueVision HD webcam, plus transfer photos from a memory card to your PC using the digital media reader.

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2655 in Personal Computers
  • Color: Charcoal Gray
  • Brand: HP
  • Model: Pavilion dm1-4050us Entertainment PC
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.20" h x 3.15" w x 16.70" l,
  • CPU: Core i3-2357M 1.4 GHz
  • Hard Disk: 500GB
  • Display size: 11.6


  • 1.40 GHz Intel Core i3-2357M
  • 4 GB SDRAM
  • 500 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
  • 11.6-Inch Screen, Intel HD Graphics
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 10hours Battery Life
Auto Post
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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Update Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru Juni 2013

Update Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru Juni 2013, Untuk anda pengguna setia Hp cross dan ingin membeli Hp Cross Andromeda A22 alangkah baiknya anda mengetahui Daftar Harga Hp Cross Terbaru, kali ini saya akan memberikan info lengkap Update Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru Juni 2013Selengkapnya ...

Update Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru Juni 2013

Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru 2013 :
  • Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Baru : Rp 1.100.000
  • Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Seken : Rp -

Spesifikasi Hp Cross Andromeda A22:
  • Network GSM/3G/HSDPA
  • Dual SIM GSM
  • CPU : Dual-core 1Ghz MT6577
  • GPU : PowerVR SGX531
  • OS Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
  • LCD 5.0 inci WVGA (480x800 piksel ; 240dpi)
  • Touchscreen : Capasitive Multi Touch 5 point
  • Back camera 3 MP
  • Front camera 1,3 MP
  • Memori Internal : 4GB
  • RAM : 512 MB
  • 3G HSDPA Connection
  • WiFi, Thettering & Portable Hotspot
  • GPS, Proximity sensor, Light Sensor, 3D Gravity Sensor
  • E-Compass
Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 ini bukan patokan dari satu toko, melainkan di ambil sampel dari beberapa daerah tentunya harga di sesuaikan dengan daerah masing-masing dan kondisi barang:

Nah demikianlah ulasan saya mengenai "Harga Hp Cross Andromeda A22 Terbaru Juni 2013", bagaimana apa anda tertarik untuk memilikinya?. Silahkan berkomentar bagaimana pendapat anda tentang HP Cross Andromeda ini.

Update Harga Terbaru:
  • Update Harga Terbaru Blackberry Z10 dan Q10 201

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Friday, August 12, 2016

HP G5000 Windows Vista Drivers

Model : HP G5000
Family : HP G notebook PC
Manufacture : Hewlett Packet
Compatibility : Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) , Windows Vista x64 (64-bit)

This model released for windows Vista and earlier G5000 series comes with windows XP. Most of the Vista drivers available on HP website (except for chipset, Intel matrix,SATA and HP Quick Launch Button) and here i make the quick list for the drivers. It is compatible with all G5000 series.

Change Operating System : Windows XP | Windows Vista | Windows 7

Windows Vista

Intel ICH8 chipset installation Utility
Version, 1.81MB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download

Intel Matrix Storage Manager
Version, 20MB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download

Intel Sata AHCI Driver
Version, 786KB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download

Conexant Audio Driver
Version A, 5.47MB
Windows Vista x86 : Download
Windows Vista x64 : Download

Intel 940/943/945 Video Driver
Version A, 15.07MB
Windows Vista x86 : Download
Windows Vista x64 : Download

Synaptic Touchpad Driver
Version 9.1.11 Q, 16.93MB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download

Conexant Modem Driver
Version A, 28.84MB
Windows Vista x86 : Download
Windows Vista x64 : Download

Broadcom Wireless LAN driver for Microsoft Windows Vista
Version 6.00, 10.22MB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download

Intel PRO/Wireless Driver
Version 7.00 F, 4.91MB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download

LAN - Ethernet
Realtek 8139/810x Network driver
Version 6.103.0123.2007 A, 4.06MB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download

Network Utility
HP Wireless Assistant
Version 3.00 D, 3.2MB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download

Input - Mouse and Keyboard
HP Quick Launch Button
Version 6.40 B, 20MB
Windows Vista x86/x64 : Download
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Harga Hp Mito A355 Terbaru Bulan Juni 2013

Harga hp Mito A355 Terbaru Bulan Juni 2013, Harga terbaru bulan ini dari hp Mito A355. menampilkan Harga hp Mito A355 Terbaru Bulan Juni 2013 dan harga lainya meliputi harga hp terbaru, harga ponsel terbaru, harga sony xperia bulan ini, harga samsung android bulan ini, harga nokia lumia bulan ini, harga tablet terbaru, harga laptop/Notebook, harga mobil, harga motor terbaru, harga knalpot motor, harga TV LED, harga promo terbaru dan masih banyak lagi yang akan update setiap bulan Januari, Febuari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, July, Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember.

Akhirnya kami ucapkan Selamat datang di portal informasi harga terlengkap hanya Harga diperbaharui setiap bulan baik itu barang baru maupun bekas. akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat sobat semuanya termasuk dalam memberikan informasi mengenai harga terkini dan terlengkap yang bisa sobat dapatkan di blog ini.

Ok kita kembali ke topik dan dibawah ini adalah Harga hp Mito A355 Terbaru Bulan Juni 2013 dan mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi Patokan harga bagi para pecinta blog karena setiap waktu dan daerah memilik perbedaan harga.

Harga Hp Mito A355 Terbaru Bulan Juni 2013
Harga hp Mito A355 Terbaru Bulan Juni 2013 :
Harga Baru Hp Mito A355 : Rp 1.999.000 (info via
Harga Seken Hp Mito A355 : Rp -

Fitur Spesifikasi Mito A355
GENERAL Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 – Dual SIM
3G HSDPA 900 / 2100
LAYAR Tipe TFT Capacitive touchscreen
Ukuran 5.0 inci, TFT capacitive touchscreen, multi touch 5 point
AUDIO Fitur Vibration, MP3 Ringtones
Jack 3,5 mm Jack Audio
Speakerphone Ya
MEMORY Internal 512 MB RAM, 4GB Nand Flash
Eksternal microSD, up to 32 GB
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Wi-Fi hotspot
Bluetooth Ya, with A2DP
Infrared Tidak
USB/Port microUSB v2.0
KAMERA Primer 8 MP
BATERAI Tipe Standard battery, Li-Ion
FITUR OS Android OS, Jelly Bean
CPU Dual Core 1 GHz atau Quard Core
Browser HTML
GPS Ya, with A-GPS
Messaging SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, IM, Push Email
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    Thursday, August 11, 2016

    HP 625 Drivers Windows XP Vista 7 and Windows 8 8 1 Upgrade

    HP officially released all support for widows XP, Vista and Windows 7 for HP 625 Notebook PC. If you plan to upgrade to windows 8, you can read windows 8 upgrade guide which I will describe in this post.

    There are lots of downloads available on the official  support page and you may confuse which you need to install. I rearrange the drivers base on order which you need to install first, second and so on. Only important drivers listed, optional installation such as utility excluded from this list because it is only optional.

    1. Chipset and CPU:
    AMD M880G Chipset/AMD Processor
    Since this model uses AMD chipset, you do not have to install any chipset drivers because all chipsets components will be installed along with graphic driver installation. You can update your processor by installing:

    AMD processor Update:
    Only for Windows XP, Windows Vista and above does not need any update for the processor.
    Windows XP : 6.8MB : Download

    Audio Patch !
    For Microsoft Windows XP Operating Systems, the Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) Driver must be installed before installing the audio driver. Reboot after installation. (KB 888111)
    Download (From HP Server) 
    Download (From Microsoft)

    2. Audio
    IDT (92HD88) High Definition Audio Driver
    Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64-bit) 28MB: Download

    3. Graphic
    ATI Video Driver and Control Panel 
    (ATI Mobility radeon HD 4200)
    Windows XP (32/64-bit) 91MB: Download
    Windows 7/Vista(32/64-bit) 124MB : Download

    4. Webcam/Camera
    HP Universal Camera Driver (International)
    Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64-bit) 45MB: Download

    Then Install Hp webcam software to use your webcam, it is optional, you can use other 3rd party software such as Cyberlink cam software:

    HP Webcam Software (International)
    Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64-bit) 31MB: Download

    3. Keyboard/Input
    HP Hotkey Support
    (Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard with HP Quick Launch Buttons (QLB))
    Requirements: Please Install .NetFramework 3.5 SP1 or above first.
    Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64-bit) 17MB: Download

    4. Touchpad
    HP Synaptic Touchpad Driver
    Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64-bit) 29MB: Download

    5. Modem
    LSI High-Definition Audio (HDA) Modem Driver
    Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64-bit) 5.9MB: Download

    6.  Wireless
    Most HP 650 Notebook PC uses Broadcom Wireless Drivers, but there are 3 other drivers listed on the official download page means you must select base on your specification. If you have no idea which to download, you can try base on the lists order, or leave your comment in the comment section below and I will assist you to download the right wireless driver.
     a) Broadcom Wireless
     Broadcom 802.11 b/g/n (BCM 43225 and 4313)
     Windows XP, 10.3MB : Download
     Windows Vista (32/64-bit), 21MB : Download
     Windows 7 (32/64-bit), 86MB : Download
     b) Realtek Wireless
     Realtek RTL8191SE 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Driver 19MB :
     (Windows XP, Vista, 7 32/64-bit) Download

     c) Atheros Wireless 
     Atheros 2011 Wireless LAN Driver (International)
     (Windows XP, Vista, 7 32/64-bit), 82MB : Download

     d) Ralink Wireless
     Ralink 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adapter
     (Windows XP, Vista, 7 32/64-bit), 11MB :  Download

    7. LAN- Ethernet
    This driver will install LAN/Ethernet port driver in your system so you can use wired Internet or Intranet connection.
    Realtek PCIe GBE/FE Family Ethernet Controller
    Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64-bit) 8.4MB: Download

    8. Storage
    AMD SATA AHCI Controller Driver
    (Only for windows XP because Windows Vista and 7 does not require this driver, example: If you try to install windows XP and you get an error "No hard Disk Found", so you need to use Floppy or Integrate the SATA driver into new installation disk to install windows XP - Read more
    Windows XP, 5.3MB : Download

    9. Bluetooth
    There are 2 applicable/possible bluetooth drivers. You need to choose base on your specification. Now most of us use smart phone which have USB cable connection, if you dont use bluetooth, you can skip this driver and it wont affect your computer performance.
    a) Broadcom Bluetooth
    Broadcom 2070 Bluetooth Driver
    Windows XP, 244MB : Download
    Windows Vista 32/64-bit, 58MB : Download 
    Windows XP, 59MB : Download 
    b) Motorola Bluetooth
    Ralink/Motorola Bluetooth Adapter, 68MB
    (Windows XP, Vista, 7 32/64-bit) Download

    After that install bluetooth application so you can use your bluetooth adapter with the interface provided by this software. You can also use 3rd party bluetooth application such as BlueSoliel.

    Hp Integrated Module with Bluetooth Wireless Technology
    Windows XP, 93MB : Download
    Windows Vista 32/64-bit : Download
    Windows 7 32/64-bit : Download

    EXTRAS :  Battery - Utility
    This is a utility not a driver, but I feel it is important so that you can monitor your battery condition from time to time. It is optional, you can choose either to install it or not.

    HP battery Check :
    Windows XP 32/64-bit : Download 
    Windows 7/Vitsa 32/64-bit , 9MB : Download

    Windows 8 and 8.1 Upgrade Guide for HP 625 Notebook PC

    You can install/upgrade windows 8 and 8.1 on this model (both 32-bit and 64-bit), you will notice several drivers already installed along with the windows installation/upgrade. The most important driver you need to install is ATI Graphic driver for ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4000 series (for this model for HD 4200 and HD 4250).

    *Note 1: (currently the term ATI changed to AMD). You need to install AMD Legacy Drivers for windows 8 which available on the AMD Download page.
    *Note 2: Normally most laptop manufacture will advise users to uninstall graphic driver before upgrading to windows 7.

    AMD Legacy Drivers Version 13.1 (current version).
    Windows 8 32-bit : Download (102MB)
    Windows 8 64-bit : Download (147MB)

    In case the link broken go to AMD download page, select base on the following order and in step 5 select display result. Then select the driver base on your operating system :
    Other Drivers
    Other drivers such as Audio, wireless, LAN etc normally automatically installed. If not follow the steps below to get all the drivers you need for windows 8 and 8.1 :

    1. Run windows Updates
    Run windows updates, it will list out all drivers updates available. After installing the updates you will need to reboot for the changes to take place.

    2. Install Windows 7 drivers in windows 8
    You can install windows 7 drivers in windows 8 by set the compatibility mode for windows 7 and run as admin. (read tutorial)

    3. Do not clean install from windows 7.
    Upgrade to windows 8 is recommended because windows 8 will use your windows 7

    If you need certain drivers from windows 8 and unable to find it, let me know and Ill assist you with the instruction to install the drivers.
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