Loading hero data.. filter. Bristleback - dota 2: strength 22 + 2.20 agility 17 + 1.80 intelligence 14 + 2.80 bristleback is a melee strength hero whose seemingly weak a.... Never one to turn his back on a fight, rigwarl was known for battling the biggest, meanest scrappers he could get his hands on. christened bristleback by the drunken.
Dota 2 - bristleback build guide, the best guide for bristleback on the earth. 100 % guarantee for your success in pub game or in competitive game. best guide for the. In this hero guide video i will provide an in-depth analysis on how to play bristleback most effectively in patch 7.06c and beyond (patch 7.0+). i will. View statistics, top players and guides for bristleback on dotabuff.